What is Your Favorite Social Media Account

medish | LinktreeIn Chapter 11 of my social media class read, the author asked the question, What is your favorite social media account? After thinking long and hard, I chose the account med.ish_ on Instagram. I chose this account because of their mission and appreciation of minorities becoming healthcare professionals. This page provides a fanbase for minorities who have worked hard to accomplish where they are today. Throughout the page are posts of med students in their white coat or students showing off their med school acceptance letters. Today is actually National Doctors Day and the page supported this by posting a variety of young minority doctors on their story. As a minority pharmacy student, this page provides me with representation that I normally do not see. It's amazing to see young faces that look like me accomplishing the same things that I am. I also believe this page presents a wonderful depiction to young minorities who are still in middle or high school thinking about what career path they are wanting to chose. This page provides them with faces to show that there are individuals like them that are accomplishing such ambitions. The page also sells merchandise such as t shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, and pins that supports or glorifies becoming a doctor. All in all, I love this page and I look forward to being on there when I finally graduate.
Check out their page!!


  1. This is awesome and I never heard of their page before. I respect anyone trying to go into the healthcare industry and your work is very appreciated during times. I think it's very cool how social media is a positive impact on young professionals and I will check it out to see you on there someday. You go girl!


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