Be Cautious of what you post!
In today's age, everyone uses social media whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, YouTube, or Instagram. For the most part, all of these provide access to the public. With this in mind, it is important to be aware of what you post on social media. Jobs use social media as an insight on your lifestyle and personality if they were to choose to hire you. The evidence they find can be potentially negative, and deter you from getting the job you wanted. Seeing pictures of you partying and drinking with friends, taking shots at the bar, or posting profanity on your page is not the look of an ideal candidate. Social media these days are also being used negatively. People are stalking social media profiles to find out were you live, work, and discover your favorite hangout spots. An example of this can be seen in the Netflix series You. The main character Joe uses social media to stalk and
get a range of ideas on how to be your perfect boyfriend. Although this is a fictional show, situations like these actually occur in real life.When posting on social media, keep personal information to yourself unless you have a private and intimate profile. Also prevent being repetitive on your profile. If you post getting donuts every Wednesday at the same donut shop, it's easy to assume your location come next Wednesday. Also some apps track locations such as Snapchat. Unless you would like people to know where you are, it is beneficial to turn the option off. Word of advice, before posting consider if your parents, colleagues, or potential employers were to see your post. It is fun to share, but be also be aware of the circumstances.
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