Fun at home!

During these rough times, I have found ways to have fun and enjoy my time spent at home. Currently in Tennessee, we are on lockdown so the only time I really get to leave is when I’m heading to work. Here’s some things I personally do to keep myself occupied while stuck at hone. Since I recently bought new dresses, I haven’t been able to wear them out, so I threw a fashion show at my house. My best friend came over  and we showed off our best fits. I really enjoyed this because it made me feel lively and happy again. I’m just looking forward to the day I can wear it out in public. While at home I also took up painting. My nieces spent the weekend with me so we got some art supplies from Walmart and painted the night away. Here is my exceptional Stitch piece that I put sweat and hard work into!

Also when my nieces were over, we killed time riding our bikes around the neighborhood, walking my dog Ellie, or blowing bubbles in the backyard. We also dedicated a day to drawing on the side walk with chalk. Here is my unicorn Bubbles vs my niece unicorn Cotton. Although Cotton looks a little malnourished, she is still a majestic unicorn.

We also enjoyed playing hopscotch even though there was no way for a normal persons foot could fit in those uneven and disproportionate squares. If only you could have seen it. 

Lastly, I’ve been binge watching movies and tv shows. After a while that gets basic, so recently I spiced it up with a fort. It wasn’t anything special like the ones on TikTok with lights and candles, but it was a simple easygoing fort that was quite comfortable. Eventually I will run out of things to do so leave some suggestions below!


  1. I love both of the unicorns! I also love the name bubbles an cotton. I might try out the fort idea, I think that could be so much fun! Also, if you like crafts and painting, I would suggest looking on Pintrest for fun spring or Easter paintings. You can then have a wine and paint with your family. You can also use grape juice, so your nieces can be included!

  2. I love the chalk unicorns! I've seen so many driveways and sidewalks covered in chalk creations around my house, and it just makes me smile. I have also been binge watching tv shows on Hulu, and I'm currently on my 3rd show (yikes) LOL! I've been loving going on long walks and bike rides and when it's cold and rainy, doing a puzzle!

  3. Wow these ideas are awesome! It really makes me want to break out the chalk and get creative. It looks like it has been a lot of fun. I love going for bike rides to stay active and have fun. I have been walking some of the trails by my to stay active too!

  4. I love the stitch painting its so cute and very vibey. I also love painting during this quarantine, it helps with forgetting about this whole pandemic and lets you focus on the positive things ike having more free time to do things you usually don't do because your always busy due to school and hundred different errands I have to run. It also helps you explore yourself and what interests you these days.


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