Revisiting Facebook

Back in the day, Facebook was my go to site. I could communicate with my friends after school, update pictures for family to see, and post all of my dancing accomplishments. As time progressed and more social media platforms arose, I eventually abandoned Facebook. At the time I felt like it was less exciting and taken over by older generations. The last I logged onto Facebook was to post pictures from my white coat ceremony, and that’s only because my mom made me. Recently during this quarantine season, I decided to revisit my old friend Facebook and upgrade my profile. I changed my profile picture to a more recent one. Of course it was a selfie, which would make Kawasaki proud that  I followed his ways. I even added a header photo. I’m going to make an effort to stay active and communicate with family and old friends. While scrolling, I been able to catch up on people I haven’t seen or talk to in years. Many have flourished into adults, started a family, and working in their chosen career. .It was funny reading all of my posts from the past. I along with my friends were some pretty weird teens. It was also cool to see the updates on Facebook such as profile stories, a market place and 3D photos which I think are pretty cool. I think I’ll give Facebook a try again and I will let you all know how it turns out.


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